Small Beer

Small Beer

Small Beer





The Original Small Beer Co are a leading low ABV brewery based in Bremondsay, London. Small Beer is for the big thinkers and for them, big thinking means pioneering a new process of brewing. That’s why they came to disrupt the market and built a bespoke brewing kit to exclusively produce lower alcohol beer up to 2.8% ABV in the world’s first dedicated small beer brewery. With this big thinking came a small website which needed scaling as the company was growing at a rapid rate. Demand for the beer was rising and the basic Shopify site with starter theme wasn’t living up to the Small Beer brand and name that the team had been working so relentlessly on growing and, preserving.

We worked closely with Small Beer to build an on-brand, modern and easy to navigate ecommerce website which told a story to it’s users as they ventured through the site. We didn’t just design a website and call it a day though. We needed a way to help the team keep a sustainable revenue stream as any company needs. So we researched trends in other food and beverage industries and came across coffee brands selling subscription based bundles. From here we built out a pair of bespoke subscription pages to make it easier for customers to repeat orders. As a result Small Beer are dominating the low ABV market online an a scaling at a rapid rate. We also worked with them on website updates and technical updates regarding functionality and technical SEO when needed.

Client The Original Small Beer Year 2021 Services Web Design, Shopify Development, SEO Credits Jamie Henderson

Client The Original Small Beer Year 2021 Services Web Design, Shopify Development, SEO Credits Jamie Henderson